Jeep TJ Airbag Warning Light Fix

When the passenger Airbag bypass switch light bulb blows, it will cause the dash Airbag warning light to remain on constantly. Aside from being annoying, some states you can't get inspection with the warning light on. This is what I did to fix the problem.

Important Note: I am not a professional auto mechanic. I am a backyard DIY'er/Hobbyist. I make no claim as to the correctness of this repair. I am not responsible if you are the fool that follow me into fool-dom. Your car might go up in smoke, the airbag might not function when you need it - who knows? If you choose to copy what I did here - you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK.

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jeep tj Jeep TJ Airbag Jeep TJ Airbag warning light Jeep TJ Airbag light fix
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