How to revive your Chinese Android Head Unit - Test Point method - 8227L - universal car stereo


This video demonstrates how to open up and revive (unbrick) a dead Android Head Unit, based on MediaTek chipset, system type YT9213, YT9216, YT9217, and YT9218 and also covers how to restore your backup or change Android version altogether (upgrade or rollback)

00:06 Opening the Head Unit
02:34 Checking if the motherboard is working
03:50 Test Point recovery

SP Flash Tool

For more information and cool mods downloads, visit any of the following guides:

[GUIDE] Android 6 SUPERMOD for YT9213AJ, YT9216B, YT9217B, YT9218CH - root, Viper4Android, TWRP, custom UI, brick recovery -

[GUIDE] Android 6 SUPER MOD for YT9216BJ - root, Viper4Android, TWRP, custom UI, brick recovery -

[GUIDE] Android 8 API27 SUPERMOD for YT9216BF YT9216CFJ YT9216BJ YT9216BFJ YT9216CJ - root, Viper4Android, TWRP, Custom UI, brick recovery -


ExtremeMOD is a charity project where we custom-build Android Head Units that cannot be matched by any other products on the market today, however, we make them highly affordable to audio enthusiasts on a budget.
8227L android head unit 8227l_demo android car stereo mediatek YT9216 YT9218 4pda xda test point YT9217 YT9213 universal android radio chinese android extrememod bricked
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