How to install Arch linux on UEFI/GPT | 2021 | Dwix

πŸ•“ Timestamps πŸ•“
(00:00) Boot from install media
(00:15) Changing the font
(00:25) Verifying boot mode
(00:44) Connecting to internet
(01:23) Updating system clock
(01:31) Partitioning the disk
(02:53) Formating partitions
(03:21) Mounting partitions
(03:48) Installing essential packages
(04:06) Generating fstab file
(04:17) Changing root to /mnt
(04:26) Setting timezone
(04:39) Syncing hardware clock
(04:45) Setting the locale
(05:02) Generating locale
(05:08) Adding locale to conf
(05:27) Configuring hostname
(05:40) Configuring hosts
(06:10) Generating Initramfs
(06:24) Installing grub and other packages
(07:14) Creating boot directory
(07:22) Mounting boot partition
(07:30) Installing grub on disk
(07:55) Generating grub config
(08:11) Enabling NetworkManager on startup
(08:17) Adding new user
(08:26) Making user able to use sudo
(08:42) Settings password
(08:57) Installing display driver
(09:26) Installing display server
(09:36) Installing display manager
(09:51) Configuring Lightdm
(10:23) Enabling Lightdm to run on startup
(10:31) Installing Desktop Environment
(10:46) Exiting chroot
(10:50) Unmounting partitions
(10:54) Rebooting
(11:01) Booting up
(11:17) Desktop
(11:26) Synchronising package repo
(11:36) Installing Neofetch
(11:44) Neofetch
(11:48) Ending

Hello everybody,
today we'll be taking a look at installing Arch Linux on UEFI systems though, I have touched on installing Arch on Legacy BIOS/MBR in the past, you can see the video here - , but this video is specifically for UEFI/GPT systems. Enjoy!


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