Suddenly (Frank Sinatra, 1954) Colorized | Crime, Drama, Thriller | Full Movie

The tranquility of a small town named Suddenly is marred when the U.S. President comes to town.
Sheriff Tod Shaw’s unsuccessful courtship of widow Ellen Benson, a pacifist who can’t abide guns and those who use them. But violence descends on Benson household … and hired assassin John Baron (Frank Sinatra) finds the Benson home ideal for the ambush.

Director: Lewis Allen
Writer: Richard Sale
Stars: Frank Sinatra, Sterling Hayden, James Gleason
Genres: Crime | Drama | Film-Noir | Thriller

CCC Chapters:
00:00:00 Introduction Full length movie
00:03:48 Sherif never gives up
00:08:31 Code word: Hangover
00:11:10 Secret service comes to town
00:12:29 Benson property
00:16:10 Frankie & the assassin crew
00:20:06 John Baron special agent
00:26:51 The jig is up

00:06:48 Incoming top secret telegram
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