Hello, friends.
Chinese cars have quality problems. Moreover, some of these problems are not very trivial and look like the reluctance of Chinese companies to solve such problems.
At the largest Chinese automaker, BYD, these problems exist on a huge scale.
The Wall Street Journal published a rather interesting report, which states that Chinese-made BYD models supplied to Europe, the Middle East and South Asia suffer from quality problems.
The publication was able to contact dealers in various countries and find out that various problems for BYD products are the norm.
Export cars from China constantly require some modifications and minor repairs upon arrival at their destination.
Let's say BYD cars often come to the Japanese market with scratches on the body, and in Europe the problem with mold is very common.
This is evidence that the car is stored outdoors for a long time after assembly, but that's half the story, the problem with BYD cars in Europe was that they were not given the proper treatment to remove mold, and the car is sold to the end consumer in in this form. But these are all trifles, against the backdrop of other problems.
Many users complain about paint peeling off after several weeks of use, as well as rather thin metal in some places of the car.
Because of this, on some models the lid even becomes deformed after installing the trunk on the same roof, and this problem is widespread.

👍 ☀️
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