Russian TYPICAL (Studio) Apartment: Could you live There?

What does a Russian TYPICAL Apartment cost for rent in Moscow? Find out on this tour of a 34-square-meter studio apartment in Moscow, Russia. What is included, what does the area around the Russian Apartment look and feel like.

🌐 Apartment Development Name: Любовь и голуби ( Love and Pigeons )
📍 Apartment Location: Moscow, Deguninskaya Street, 7
⌚ Time of recording: 4.00 p.m. ( 16:00 p.m.) 18th September 2024.

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Любовь и голуби travelling with russell travel with russell traveling with russell russian apartment russian typical apartment Love and Pigeons moscow typical apartment studio apartment moscow studio apartment living in moscow life in moscow moscow apartment rent an apartment in moscow
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