LEAKING SHMEEMOBILE! Fixing Up My Aston Martin V8 Vantage Roadster | RESTORATION PART 2

I first bought the Aston Martin V8 Vantage Roadster in 2010, and it was the first ever Shmeemobile, which I then bought back in the summer and have been looking forward to getting properly back into working order. It's take a little longer than intended, but the first step in restoring the former glory is for a full inspection and service and where better than to head to McGurk's.

After the drive up, the team start having a look while we get distracted by the amazing display of Aston Martins and more for sale. It might come as no surprise that a lovely Midnight Blue DBS rather distracts my attention and is dangerously tempting!

However, after heading off for another errand, returning to McGurk's means a run down of the problems with the car including the source of the leak that we've discovered in the garage. It turns out to be a fairly standard problem with the V8 Vantage to have a leak from the timing cover, however there are numerous other small issues including loose heatshields, seatbelt fraying, some worn out leather, plus more.

No doubt with more investigation other problems are going to surface, time shall tell! A huge thanks to McGurk Performance Cars for their help bringing the car back to glory. You can check them out here:

Thanks for watching!
The original @Shmee150 Shmeemobile is finally getting underway with some work to bring it back to glory! We're on the road to McGurk Performance Cars to put it on the ramps and get an overview of the problems they can find, including a bit of a leak...
restoration v8 Test restore drive work oil vlog aston martin service trip leaking investigation Daily leak inspection Spill roadster Shmee150 ramps servicing seatbelt Shmee Vantage DBS Lifts V8 Vantage Shmuseum The Shmuseum McGurk McGurk's V8 Vantage Roadster McGurk Performance Cars Timing Cover Tasks
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