WCWAM S2 Episode 12 Spa Guy & Trey Follow Up with Mike Elam About Pauline Pusser being Exhumed

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WCWAM Season 2 Episode #12 Spa Guy and Trey Talk with Mike Elam Historian and Expert on Sherriff Buford Pusser History and find out about Pauline Pusser being exhumed and much more..

#wcwam #spaguy #spaguyhistory #treymiller #Globetrottingwithtrey #mikeelam #adamsville #tennessee #bufordpusser #selmer #theotherstory #bufordpussertheotherstory #whatreallyhappened #paulinepusser #exhumed
To see Mike Elam's Facebook Group Buford Pusser: The Other Story click this link:
Globetrotting with Trey Channel: @GlobetrottingWithTrey
investigation History spa guy the spa guy trey miller wcwam wishing cotton was a monkey wishin cotton was a monkey billy stallings globetrotting with trey what does mean? what does wishing cotton was a monkey mean Little Rascals history podcast TBI murder Buford pusser mcnary county pauline pusser exhumed mike elam the other story shamrock motel
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