How to change a recoverable/expired saveset to a browseable saveset?

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Hello Viewers, welcome back to crazyRov Studio. In this video we will look at how to convert a recoverable saveset to a browseable saveset.

There are a couple of reasons why a saveset would be in a recoverable state. One, these savesets do not generate indexes/catalogs. Some examples are VM image level backups and Index backups. A savesets is in browseable state only if the index files of the corresponding saveset are on the NetWorker server. So the second reason for savesets to be in a recoverable mode is that the index files might have been lost, may be due to accidental deletion or due to running a nsrdr in a networker DR scenario or it can also be because of duplicate clientid for a client in your NetWorker configuration. The third and the most frequent is due to the expiration of the browse period. Before version 9.x and from version 19.4 NetWorker has 2 time policies - Browse and Retention. Once a saveset crosses the browse policy, the indexes are automatically deleted,changing the state of the saveset from Browseable to recoverable or recyclable.

There are 2 methods you can get your saveset from recoverable mode to a browseable. The easiest and the fastest method is to recover the Index from backup. The only prerequisite is that the index backup should be available for the same date as backup of the saveset.

Check backup date of the saveset
Find index backup from a similar date.
Get the nsavetime
Nsrck -L7

The second method is kind of a last resort that you have to opt, this is when you don't have an index backup and need a granular restore from the saveset. Also, module based backup cant be restored with an index, so you definitely need the module based savesets as browsable to be able to restore them. This method uses the scanner command. You can use the NetWorker commands app to check the details of this command, link to the app on playstore is in the descriptions.
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