Road marking machine STiM Mark 4K (eng)

Road marking machine "STiM Mark 4K" and its main characteristics:

• A high-performance paint and two-component plastic spray machine.
• Contains two marking blocks with a maximum extension width up to 2.5 meters.
• Can apply marking lines of different complexity due to fflexible adjusting of the marking blocks.
• Can apply two different marking colours at the same time (has two separate containers for materials).
• There are marking blocks on its left and on its right sides.
• Provides saving time for filling working containers due to vacuum pumping of material.
• Applies road marking material at a high speed (up to 20 km / h)
• Provides a high level of operator safety, due to the control of the marking process from the driver's place.
• Guarantees high quality of material application in general.
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