1958 Plymouth "Christine" - Old Start, Cold Start in late November.

Christine's been sitting in the garage since early November because the weather was rainy and cold. I finally found a dry place for her to stay during the winter so she has to move before snow starts falling.

It's 0°C (~ 32°f) outside and she has no choke.

Will she fire up and run?

If you're a fan of the movie "Christine" or 1957 / 58 Plymouths in general don't forget to join the International Christine Club.

More information here:
v8 engine classic car fury 1983 mopar Christine Clone tribute stephen king John Carpenter cold start movie car plaza v8 engine (engine type) 1957 Plymouth 1958 Plymouth 1959 Plymouth Belvedere savoy international christine club christine car club vintage automobiles Plymouth (Brand) Plymouth Belvedere (Automobile Model) 318 cui Poly engine
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