Dunking Our Rusty 1986 Range Rover Chassis in 1935 Litres of Evapo-Rust Ep 60

Is the chelation process magic or just beautiful science? The results are clearly amazing either way but will Evapo-Rust remove all the rust from the outside AND the inside of our rusty Range Rover chassis? - Ep 60

Buy Evapo-Rust here:-

Buy Edd's "Need For Tea" T-shirt here:-

Buy Edd's legendary orange gloves here:-

A huge thanks to those of you that have already become ‘Patreons’, it is brilliant to have you on board. For those interested in joining our happy throng, you can support the show directly, by going to:

Thanks as always to my production pixies for mud-plugging away with the cameras and lights and cranking out each episode.

Huge thanks to my brand partners who are supporting the channel; to find out more about them, please go to our website:

…and if your company has a cool or interesting product or process that you think the audience would like to find out more about, please do also get in touch.

So, soak away the rust off your old comfy chair and carefully sit back and do nothing else but enjoy the episode!

The Garden-Find Range Rover story so far:

Follow me on Social Media:

#EddChina #WorkshopDiaries #EddChinasWorkshopDiaries #1986RangeRover #RangeRover #EdChinasWorkshopDiaries #ProjectCar #RustRemedy #RustyFuelTankFix #Evapo-Rust
If your company would like to get involved as a commercial partner, please contact [email protected]
To AskEdd questions: [email protected]
Discovery range rover workshop rust rust remover milwaukee tools Wheeler Dealers 1986 Range Rover Rust Treatment Rust Converter Ansell Gloves ed china edd china edd china wheeler dealers edd china’s garage revival garage revival outspan orange practical classics wheeler dealers edd china wheeler dealers s13 workshop diaries ed china workshop diaries Range Rover Gearbox orange gloves orange nitrile gloves evapo-rust rust remover evaporust evapo rust
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