2003 04 05 Chevrolet Cavalier & Pontiac Sunfire Broken Auto Transmission Shift Cable Bushing Repair

This video highlights repair of a broken plastic bushing within the Automatic Transmission Range Selector Cable at the Transmission Range Selector Lever end under the hood. This is the most common cause of the console shifter not actuating the transmission gear while still being able to cycle thru the various range selections inside the vehicle. In this video you will learn how to replace just the bushing at the cable end using a Dorman part, rather than the entire cable. The genuine GM / ACDelco part number is included to optionally perform the full cable replacement (but this procedure is not shown).

The specific vehicle shown is a 2004 Chevy Cavalier, but the procedure will also apply to 2003 and 2005 model years, as well as to the Pontiac Sunfire models of the same years.

*The eBay and Amazon search links below are paid links, for which I may be compensated and earn a commission, if you choose to buy the parts and tools shown in this video thru them:*

_And if I've saved you some $$ here, consider some coins for the coffee tip-jar!_

0:00 - Problem overview
0:20 - Shift cable location
0:50 - Replacement part numbers
1:41 - Loosen brake master cylinder mount
2:18 - Shift lever retaining nut location & removal
2:50 - Remove old bushing fragments from lever
3:30 - Remove old bushing fragments from cable end
4:07 - Prep cable end for new bushing installation
5:00 - Bushing installation tips
5:25 - Bushing to shift lever connection
5:50 - Reassembly tips

#drshock #cavalier #sunfire

_Disclaimer: DrShock, the alias for the human content creator for this YouTube channel, is not responsible for any damages, injuries, losses, or liabilities associated with any repairs, upgrades, or maintenance performed on yours, or any other, vehicle whatsoever. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided within this channel. Viewing and using the “as-is" information of this channel is totally at your own risk. Always wear personal protection equipment and follow appropriate vehicle manufacturer service manual guidelines with original manufacturer parts only when performing any repairs, upgrades, or maintenance upon any vehicle._
2005 2004 gm 2003 General Motors Chevrolet Cavalier Pontiac Sunfire Chevy Cavalier DrShock Transmission Shift Cable Bushing Automatic Transmission Selector Lever Bushing Transmission Range Selector Lever Bushing Shift Linkage Bushing Dorman 14055 GM 22737100 Broken Shift Bushing Dorman Bushing shift cable bushing shift cable repair shift linkage bushing replacement cavalier shifter cable repair chevy cavalier shift linkage bushing pontiac sunfire shift cable
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