MV 359 - "First Extreme Cold Starts For 2022"

In today's vlog, we do the first extreme cold starts of all 4 cars on this -8*F morning!


Music provided by Silent Partner (Creative Commons music)

Disclaimer : If you choose to use the information in this video for your own benefit of repair purposes via the information or "hands-on" practices seen in this video, I will not be held liable for any negative result (such as damage, unsuccessful repair or any injury of any kind) that can take place if you are attempting to do the repair yourself. These videos are solely for the purpose of entertainment and mostly follow my journey of ownership with the cars I document. The repairs that I perform on these vehicles are part of my documentation process and may not always be the best or safest way of doing the repair. If you do attempt to do any repair on your own vehicle, always make sure to follow all safety protocols like wearing eye protectant, wearing gloves, using the proper tools and lift equipment, etc. and be sure to look up the proper service procedure. Do not attempt any repair if you do not have the knowledge or have uncertainty about performing the job yourself, in which case you should seek a professional mechanic or technician.
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mvs michael adams rocks mike's vehicle spotlight auto automobile car dealership cars automotive feature drive review michaeladamsrocks ride engine Austintown Youngstown Warren OH Ohio vlogs vlog vlogging Ford Fusion Fiesta Saab 9-3 2.0T Pontiac Grand Am GT in-line 4 3400 V6 GM General Motors freezing cold starts frost ice frozen snow storm
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