💫《星骸骑士》 Knights on Debris | EP01-15 Full Version | ⚡MUTI SUB | Donghua

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In the future world, human exploration of the universe has entered a prosperous era. Machinist Chen Mo originally thought he would successfully reach the new world-the Wild Land in an interstellar spacecraft. Unexpectedly, when he woke up, the Wild Land has become scorched, and his teammates turned into terrifying puppet monsters. Chen Mo didn't know that during several hundred years of sleeping in the dormancy chamber, humans had established an interstellar federation, and the Wild Land had become an abyss. Why am I still alive? ——With countless questions, Chen Mo repaired four robot assistants with different personalities and different functions. With their help, Chen Mo prepared to return to the earth. However, an alien woman appeared, and completely disrupted his return plan...

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