Edd China's Workshop Diaries 20: A date with destiny. (Fixing the perished Range Rover brake pipe, should the brake pipe really look like a wet twig?)
Just one more thing to fix before we can take our 1986 Range Rover out onto the road and to its MoT test - is this really it? Well, we're about to find out. Surely, now that it runs and it's clean, it's got drive and hopefully brakes that work, it will be ready for its MoT test. Or will we find yet more things that need to be fixed first?...
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Thanks as always to my production pixies for mud-plugging away with the cameras and lights and cranking out each episode.
Thanks as always to my production pixies for their camera wielding and frame fettling, bringing you another episode. .
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So, scrape the rust off your old comfy chair and carefully thread a long straw into a tank of refreshment and enjoy the episode!
The Garden-Find Range Rover story so far:
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