The release of the arrested father, the troubled story of the second wife and Maryam, the ex-wife.
In this story, the father who was arrested returns to the embrace of the family using the commitment he had left, and this return shows the value of the family and the importance of family connections.
## return_to_the_arm ## father ## arrested ## family ## will ## embrace ## family_connections ## value ## return ## importance ## testament ## letter ## forgiveness ## decision ## presence ## arrest ## Hope ## Reason ## Leave ## Retirement ## Will ## Experience ## Attention ## Respect ## Responsibility ## Don't_Forget ## Moment ## Credibility ## Rights ## Adherence ## Offer ## Communication ## Attention_to_Details # # Truth ## Choice ## Attention_to_Details ## Support ## Self_Confidence ## Skill ## Effort ## Research ## Progress ## Growth ## Development ## Thinking ## Decision Making ## Flexibility ## Learning ## Tasking ## Persistence ## tolerance_pressure ## Victory