How to Create a pfSense lab environment with proper routing using Virtual Network Editor -- Part 1

Today we will be adventuring into the world of pfSense Firewall with pfSense 2.4.4. I created this video to mirror a pfSense routing appliance (SG-3100) and for anyone who wants to see how to properly setup a pfSense router with more than just a WAN and LAN.

I explain how to setup for multiple VM networks to mirror what you would see on a pfSense appliance. I will also show you how to setup a multiple network firewall setup and show how you can test it in a virtual environment that is all connecting to the pfSense router.

We will setup a Virtual NiCs from the Virtual Network Editor and connect them directly to your pfSense VM and that will provide you internet and connections. So, this is a completely closed VM network with your pfSense router at the helm.

This is Part 1 of a multiple part setup. We will Install the pfSense software, setup 3 networks (LAN, LAN2, and DMZ) with 3 different types of private IP address (192.x.x.x / 10.x.x.x / 172.x.x.x) with all different subnets as well so you can get an huge crash course in setups.

I also will provide all the ISOs and VM that is created in a link below for anyone to either follow along or download the final VM I created.

So, if the video is helpful then Like and subscribe to my channel for a lot more videos on VMWare OS installs as well as ESXI installation and best practices on how to maintain and secure your Virtual Environment.

## Links to Items used in the video above ##

### Links to VMware and How to begin you journey into Virtualization ###

VMware Advisor Cloud Drive -
VMware ubuntu 15 14 vmware workstation vmware player freebsd debian Windows Server NAT domain pfSense pfsense firewall pfsense 2.4.4 vmware 15 active directory linux AD windows client multiple networks multiple network virtual network editor private ip multiple nics private network virtualization lab host-only home virtualization lab Vmware advisor
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