How to Do GoFundMe (& Actually Get Donations)

Wondering how to do GoFundMe successfully? We've got the answers!


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Wondering how to do GoFundMe and actually get donations? We’re here to help! Many people have tried GoFundMe, only to discover that their campaign gets no donations at all. We’ve identified what makes successful GoFundMe campaigns and we’re going to share those secrets with you!

I’m Nicole from, where we help millions of people save money
and get free stuff every year.

In order to figure out how to do GoFundMe well, you first need to understand how the system works. It’s actually quite simple. You create a campaign, select a fundraising goal, tell your story and share it. Sounds easy, right?

It’s easy to set up a GoFundMe. It’s harder to create a GoFundMe that will actually result in donations and help you get your needs met.

The hardest part about using GoFundMe is that millions of other people also need help. The platform has been used to fund-raise over $9 billion so far. That’s a lot of people with a lot of legitimate needs.
Fortunately, we’ve found a lot of helpful tips and tricks that can help you make your GoFundMe a success.
A successful GoFundMe is all about selling your story.
At it’s core, a successful GoFundMe campaign is based on salesmanship and marketing. You aren’t actually selling a product, but you are selling your story in the hope that the reader will contribute to your cause.
As a result, the tips and techniques that define a good GoFundMe campaign are very similar to those that define good salesmanship.
In this video, I’m going to share 7 tips to help you make the most of your fundraiser. For the rest of the 23 tips (including the five key elements that every GoFundMe story needs to include), you’ll need to visit our website at There’s a direct link in the description of this video.
Focus on the extenuating circumstances.
Life is hard and many people are barely getting by financially. When you create a GoFundMe, you need to realize that you are asking other people to part with their own hard-earned and much-needed money.
People are generally more compassionate when you’re suffering due to circumstances beyond your control.
As a result, it’s important to focus on the extenuating or unusual circumstances surrounding your needs.
Let’s consider the case of Jessica, a 34 year old single mom to two kids. She’s working part-time while she’s going to college. She hopes this will improve their financial situation someday but in the meantime they struggle to make ends meet. Unfortunately, her only vehicle needs an expensive repair and because of that, she missed work and can’t make the rent this month.
Jessica can approach her situation from several different angles. Not all of them will produce the same results.
Jessica wants to ask for help with the rent, since it’s the most urgent need. It’s all Jessica can think about. She doesn’t want to ask for more than she needs, and she thinks it would be easier to get $750 for the rent instead of $2,500 for the car.
However, in this case, she should ask for help with the car.

In Jessica’s case, her car had a serious and unexpected problem. This doesn’t happen in a normal month and is a very unusual expense. In her text, she should emphasize that she needs help with the rent because of the issue with her car. Connecting the immediate need with unusual circumstances will help make the story more compelling to donors.
Have someone you trust run the GoFundMe (if possible).
Many of the most successful and viral GoFundMe causes have been run by someone other than the beneficiary. This makes the case more sympathetic and also cuts through some of the awkwardness of asking for help for yourself.
If there is someone you trust who can run the GoFundMe on your behalf, you may want to consider asking them to do so.
In Jessica’s case, she might have more success if her coworker and good friend Andrea posted the GoFundMe on her behalf.
Be prepared to prove how much money you need.
The most compelling fundraisers have documentation behind them. This helps donors feel confident that the money will be used for what you say it’ll be used for.
In this case, Jessica could upload a picture of the mechanic’s estimate to prove the extent of repairs required.
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