How to Change Front Brakes Honda Civic 92-95

Stuff I used in today’s video…

In this video I show how to remove, and install new brake pads on your 92 93 94 or 95 Honda Civic. It's pretty simple, you remove the front wheels, remove the caliper bolt, lift up the caliper, pull out the pads (if your going to remove the rotor or disc then you must remove the brake pad/caliper bracket and rotor screws and rotor), put in the new pads, and that's pretty much it.

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I, Jordan, assume no liability for anything you choose to do to your car, before, or after watching one of my videos, including this one. All DIY repairs, or modifications, you perform to your car are made at your own risk. Sometimes, even if you've done everything the right way, you can destroy, or damage, a piece, or part. You must understand this; part of doing a repair, and/or modification is messing up sometimes. Also, if for some reason, I do give incorrect instructions, and something breaks because you followed my instructions, I still will not reimburse, or pay, in any way, for whatever cost that may be incurred due to following my wrong instructions. Don't do anything to your car unless you yourself feel comfortable, & confident in doing so.

Fixbook DIY Car Repair
how to repair honda civic how to brake pad brakes disc brakes honda brake pads replace rotor front PAD remove removing how-to 94 pads 93 DISCS replacing ROTORS how do disc changing Front pads Hondahowto1 Fixbook fixing brakes honda brakes civic brakes civic brake pads change brakes to change to replace replacing front replacing disc replacing brakes changing front changing brakes removing brakes to remove brakes to replace brakes front Disc Brakes
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