Происхождение жизни / Origin of life

1. Снорри Стурлусон, Младшая Эдда, Видение Гюльви, ок. 1220 г.
2. Virchows Archiv, 1847
3. Чарльз Дарвин, письмо Дж. Д. Хукеру, 1871
4. A. G. Cairns-Smith, The origin of life and the nature of the primitive gene, 1966
5. Stuart Kauffman, Stuart A. Kauffman, A home in the Universe..., 1995
6. W. Martin and M. J. Russell, On the origins of cells..., 2002
7. Jack W. Szostak et al., The Origins of Cellular Life, 2010
8. Mulkidjanian Armen Y. et al., Origin of first cells at terrestrial, anoxic
geothermal fields, 2012
9. W. Martin et al., The physiology and habitat of LUCA, 2016
10. B. Damer and D. Deamer, The Hot Spring Hypothesis for an Origin of Life, 2020
11. J. D. Sutherland et al., Common origins of RNA, protein and lipid precursors..., 2015
12. Eugene V. Koonin et al., The replication machinery of LUCA: common origin of DNA
replication and transcription, 2020
13. Mark Tessera, Is pre-Darwinian evolution plausible?, 2008

Использованы эпизоды видео:

1. 4 Fingers — La Grand Architect of Life (Miller-Urey experiment), 2017

2. Evgeniy Shmukler — Полторы тысячи километров на север, 2020

3. Dmitry Vorobjov — Реакция Белоусова-Жаботинского, 2011

4. DrSim0nSayz — Abiogenesis - origin of life, 2011

5. TheOriginOfLife — “Origin of Life”, 2010

6. Sci- Inspi — «Red blood cells under the microscope», 2016

7. Sputnik Goes — «Geothermal Features of Yellowstone...» 2014

8. qbioGraphicMagazine — Lens of Time: Slime Lapse | bioGraphic, 2016

9. WEHImovies —- Chromosome and Kinetochore, 2013

10. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) — Assembly of Human Papilloma Virus Virus-Like Particles, 2012

11. National Geographic — Tornadoes 101 | National Geographic, 2019

12. Giesbert Nijhuis — The Vortex Ring, Close Up, in Slow Motion, 2015

13. geoffmackley - ...rarely seen smoke rings at Mt Etna, 2000

Особая благодарность:

С. А. Боринской, В. В. Кушнирову и Ю. Б. Шмуклеру - за ценное обсуждение, а также
Dmitry Vorobjov (видео «Реакция Белоусова-Жаботинского»).


Kevin Macleod- Spacial Harvest
Bensound - Better Days

Е. Ю. Шмуклер.
эволюция evolution Origin of life Происхождение жизни Biology Абиогенез Дарвин Evgeniy Shmukler Евгений Шмуклер Abiogenesis Science made easy Jack Szostack Armen Mulkidkanyan Армен Мулкиджанян Джек Шостак Роберт Хэйзен Robert Hayzen
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