(LESSONS of SELF-REALIZATION) Supreme PERSONALITY - Delmer Eugene Croft | Full Audiobook
Life is self-realization. Every birth is divine. We are born anew every morning. My wish is that you may catch the gleam, be freed from limitations and enter upon your boundless possibilities. To bring you into the throne-room of your being, that you may awaken in self-realization, is why I have prepared this course of lessons. Should you give five minutes a day to them, in a year you will know the joy there is in Life, in Power, and in Service. (from the text)
Full audiobook ⏰Chapter times:⏰
0:00 - Foreword
2:27 - Supreme Control of Conditions
25:51 - Supreme Control of Age
38:12 - Supreme Daily-Life Method
53:11 - The Supreme Law of Success
1:07:25 - Supreme Body Building Method
1:14:00 - Supreme Law of Internal Vibration
1:23:30 - Supreme Method of Mental Healing
1:32:03 - Supreme Power of Magnetism
1:41:33 - Supreme Law of Telepathy
All chapters read by Andrea Fiore
Supreme Personality by Delmer Eugene Croft
This Audiobook is a product of LibriVox Recordings and is available in the public domain. The audiobooks are recorded by volunteers.