Patent Elastic. Sewing machine Elastique

Veľmi starý šijací obuvnícky stroj vyrobený okolo roku 1880. Ide o jeden z mála dochovaných kusov, ktoré mali na koliesku kresbu orla/diabla. Tento konkrétny kus je jeden z obuvníckych strojov, ktoré boli pri zrode firmy Baťa v Zlíne. Dlhé roky slúžil v spomínanej fabrike. Potom bol vyradený a odkúpil si ho zamestnanec. Využíval ho vo voľnom čase a v jeho rodine ostal po zbytok času v Zlíne. Tam sa mi ho aj podarilo odkúpiť. Vzhľadovo bol vo veľmi zlom stave. Mne sa podarilo prinavrátit mu krásu, presne podľa dobovej predlohy. Bol rozobratý, vyčistený, nanovo nalakovaný. Nasledovalo zlaté zdobenie ornamentov na stojane a šupinkovo-retiazkové zdobenie na tele šijacieho stroja. Následne bol prelakovaný bezfarebným lakom. Všetky mechanické časti sú funkčné, stroj sa hýbe. Fakt nádherný a ojedinelý kus histórie.

A very old sewing shoemaking machine made around 1880. It is one of the few surviving pieces that had an eagle / devil drawing on the wheel. This particular piece is one of the shoemaking machines that were at the birth of the Baťa company in Zlín. He served for many years in the mentioned factory. He was then scrapped and bought by an employee. He used it in his free time and stayed in his family in Zlín for the rest of the time. I also managed to buy it there. He was in a very bad state of appearance. I managed to restore his beauty, exactly according to the period model. It was disassembled, cleaned, repainted. This was followed by gold embellishments on the stands and flake-chain embellishments on the body of the sewing machine. It was then painted over with clear lacquer. All mechanical parts are functional, the machine is moving. A really beautiful and unique piece of history.
singer sewing machine how to make leather repair handmade svit Minerva obuvnícky stroj šijací stroj patent elatic elastique shoos machine leather machine cloth Baťa zlin sewing machine from Baťa factory chinese leather sewing machine elastic machine
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