
Пассивный экзоскелет "Stakhanov" для работ с тяжелым ручным инструментом. Прототип версия №2

Захват компенсирует вес инструмента, за счет упругих элементов, и перераспределяет его на внешний каркас, который в свою очередь передает нагрузку поверхности, на которой расположен работник. Такая конструкция экзоскtлета позволяет зафиксировать положение тела при работе и тем самым снять нагрузку с ОДС (пример такого положения это работы, проводимые в полу приседе при конвейерной сборке автомобилей). Работник при этом остается подвижен, и может перемещаться по рабочей территории. Также конструкция полностью энергонезависима.

Engineering and structural brunches are linked with a necessity of carring out works with weighty equpment. These works causes such problems as special professional physical preparation of workers,high varity of injury (cased weighty equipment crashing, criks, back injuries). Complimentary financial costs may occur as the result of weighty equipment frequent using during work-time ( high ammount of cooperators, higher payment rate: hospital fee compensation, injury compensation). Ussing passive exoskeleton will afford to decide identified problems and to reduce the financial costs. Besides described brunches this problem is actual for emergency rescuer servise and cinema production. According to the last one designated some desigions are available on market.
The project offers decisions in weighty hand tool working problems thought passive exoskeleton application. Passive exoskeleton is non addicted in power-intensity and is not needed in sourses of power-intensity. Initiator is exoskeleton user. All construction are created with considering compensating loads and redistribution payload to an external frame, which in turn transmits load surface on which the worker is located. Also exoskeleton's design allows to fix the position of the body during operation, thereby relieving pressure from the United Democratic Forces (an example of this situation is the work carried out in a semi squat with a conveyor assembly of cars). It should be fairly easy and durable, and simple enough in design to minimize breakage during rough operation inherent in these types of operations. And also be ergonomic, so that the worker doesn't feel awkward and needed in the assistant to put and remove.
russia экзоскелет exoskeleton Steadicam balanced arm
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