[Doomer Wave]: Високосный год - Тихий огонёк (Visokosniy God - Quie Spark)

Doomer Wave из песни Високосный год - Тихий огонёк (саундтрек к сериалу Дальнобойщики 2001).

Russian Doomer Wave from the song Visokosniy God - Quie Spark (There far, far there is an earth...)

It sits down with it nearby,
It takes it for shoulders,
And a freakish pattern his speech will begin to sparkle:

"Listen, there, very far, there is an earth.
There New Year, you won't believe,
There New Year two times a year, here.
There snow, there is so much snow,
That if I there wouldn't be itself,
I wouldn't believe that there is so much snow,
That the earth doesn't see the sky,
And to stars not to see from tops,
As in the middle of fires evening and beeps of cars
The silent spark of my soul" rushes

Silently-very quietly! there New York speaks with Moscow:
"Moscow, Moscow, take away me home!"
In the long stubborn line
The road under me runs,
Still slightly also we will say goodbye to the earth!
And to it swears that will return:
"I will tell lies so I won't descend from a place!"
Says lies... will descend...

"... In the middle of fires evening and beeps of cars
the spark of my soul rushes."

In the middle of fires evening and beeps of cars
The silent spark of his soul rushes.

What nonsense, the right to trust his words,
Instead of to believe - a sin,
To what more cheerful and is lighter than all of them, eh!
She is silent and smiles to it, that,
Which comes back...

In the middle of fires evening and beeps of cars
The silent spark of his soul rushes.
In the middle of fires evening and beeps of cars

The silent spark of my soul rushes.

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