Tripod joint full strip down & inspection #1011

Tripod joints are the 'inner' joints of most transverse mounted vehicle drive shafts. They provide a mechanical means of allowing the drive shaft's length to vary & for the shaft's angle to change without loss of drive. This is required due to the fact that as the vehicle's suspension is compressed the distance between the wheel and the diff or gearbox reduces.

Tripod joints are usually relatively simple to strip down though its important to be aware of all the wearing surfaces and have the knowledge to inspect all the components correctly.

Tripod joints, like any joint within a drive train can be the source of abnormal noise & in order to be able to eliminate the component from your inspections a thorough inspection needs to be performed.

Follow me through this short video covering the strip down, full inspection and rebuild of a Rav4 front Tripod joint. At the end of the video I also cover how to refit the Tripod's rubber boot correctly using the steel type compression bands - not cable ties!

This is another Drive Train task I cover with my Automotive students and is one which is done when diagnosing abnormal noises from vehicles drive trains.

Tripod joints can be found on most modern cars, ATV's both rido on and side-by-side too - All of Yamaha's Farm type quad bikes have these and so too do the Yamaha Rhinos and Vikings. They do wear out, especially on the ATVs & contamination of the grease will greatly accelerate the wearing process.

Any questions then just add them to the comments section below & I'll do my best to get back to you soon...

Andy Mechanic
Yamaha Grizzly yamaha viking Eric the car guy How to strip a drive shaft andy mechanic Yamaha rhino Tripod joints How to strip & inspect a Tripod joint Noisy drive shaft How to dignose noise in a drive shaft Tripod joint strip and inspection Tripod joint full stripdown and inspection How does a Tripod joint work What does a Tripod joint do Tripod joint wear points Worn tripod joint How to rebuild a tripod joint yamaha Kodiac Drive shaft inspection
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