Factorio 1.1 tips and tricks | Biters Edition (32 tips)

Factorio 1.1 tips and tricks Biters Edition will show you 32 Factorio tips to make fighting easier.
Beginners will learn a lot new tactics and strategies to fight with aliens, but advance players also get a large injection of knowledge.
I think this guide or tutorial whatever you call it, is a good video for everybody who hate biters and want to destroy them as quickly as possible.

If you like this type of factorio tips and tricks, I can make other edition like: blueprints mods trains speedrun nuclear power spidertrone or something else what you like ❤️

⌛ ⌛ ⌛ TIMESTAMPS ⌛ ⌛ ⌛
Intro: 0:00

⬇️ Early Game (10 tips) ⬇️
1. Heal yourself with omega3: 0:26
2. Prevent attacks: 0:41
3. Block biters: 0:52
4. Useful cliffs: 1:05
5. Better ammunition distribution: 1:23
6. Triggered biters: 1:40
7. Melee combat: 1:53
8. Precise shooting: 2:09
9. Best way to push bases: 2:16
10. Statistics: 2:29

⬇️ Mid Game (11 tips) ⬇️
11. Easiest way to open walls: 2:43
12. Ammunition belt: 3:02
13. Multiple weapons: 3:23
14. Flamethrowers push: 3:40
15. Hand vs Car gun: 4:14
16. Flamethrowers comparison: 4:35
17. Just rockets: 4:56
18. Useful trees: 5:32
19. Mines for the win: 6:02
20. Biters expansion: 6:18
21. Expanding a wall: 6:37

⬇️ Late Game (11 tips) ⬇️
22. Multiple connections: 7:02
23. Start with flamethrowers: 7:27
24. Make outposts safe: 7:46
25. Lasers push: 8:11
26. Indestructible base: 8:40
27. Backup power: 9:17
28. Confuse your enemies: 10:20
29. Changing armors: 10:37
30. Best items for spidertrone: 11:13
31. It's better with friend: 11:39
32. We are the baddies: 11:56


If you read the description, write "Biter go brrrrr" in the comment section and i will pin you a heart ❤️
Have fun in your factorio games. 😀
Thank you for reading and see you next time! 🖤

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