Disconnecting High Voltage in Electric/Hybrid Vehicles

Visit Garage Gurus fmgaragegurus.com for more tips and information on servicing electric and hybrid vehicles.

If you drive an electric or hybrid vehicle, you'll need to disable the high voltage system when completing some repair jobs. This important safety step may be called for when servicing or maintaining the vehicle. Join Master Technician Mark Ingram of Garage Gurus as he runs through the process of disconnecting the high voltage system.
Mark starts by reviewing the basics of the high voltage battery system. He then goes over the steps and then demonstrates the high voltage disconnect procedure on a car. Following the manufacturer recommendations for disconnecting the high voltage system will keep you safe when working on electric and hybrid vehicles. Count on Garage Gurus to help you get your vehicle repair done right.

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hybrid Electrical Automotive high voltage training Garage Gurus how to automotive techician electrial cars Master Tech high voltage system
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