The battery leaked on these motherboards, are they ruined?

NiCD/NiMH batteries leak when they are old and severely discharged, and this commonly causes damage to vintage computers. Here is a 286 and a 386DX motherboard that had the battery leak. Are they ruined?

386 Motherboard:
Unknown brand
C&T Chips Chipset P82C205, P82B305, P82A304, P82A303, P82C302, P82C301 P82A306, PA82B305
Information page on

286 Motherboard:
DTK PTM-1030 Mini '286
Chipset: VLSI VL82C100

-- Video Links

DTK case repair (damage caused by battery leakage)

BIOS post codes

ISA/PCI Post Code Diagnostic Card:

BIOS images and pictures for the 386 motherboard:

High Res Pictures:
Sorry not uploaded yet

-- Tools

Deoxit D5:

Jonard Tools EX-2 Chip Extractor:

Wiha Chip Lifter:

O-Ring Pick Set: (I use these to lift chips off boards)

Elenco Electronics LP-560 Logic Probe:

Hakko FR301 Desoldering Iron:

Rigol DS1054Z Four Channel Oscilloscope:

Head Worn Magnifying Goggles / Dual Lens Flip-In Head Magnifier:

TL866II Plus Chip Tester and EPROM programmer: (The MiniPro)

TS100 Soldering Iron:

EEVBlog 121GW Multimeter:

DSLogic Basic Logic Analyzer:

Magnetic Screw Holder:

Universal ZIP sockets: (clones, used on my ZIF-64 test machine)

RetroTink 2X Upconverter: (to hook up something like a C64 to HDMI)

Plato (Clone) Side Cutters: (order five)

Heat Sinks:

Little squeezy bottles: (available elsewhere too)

--- Links

My GitHub repository:

Commodore Computer Club / Vancouver, WA – Portland, OR – PDX Commodore Users Group

--- Instructional videos

My video on damage-free chip removal:

--- Music

Intro music and other tracks by:
Nathan Divino
motherboard 80386 vintage computer 80286 nicd battery nimh battery retro computer
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