Ford Aerostar Actuator Rod Repair

Before beginning the repair I would highly recommend reading through the comments as a lot of great advice was added that isn't in the video as I literally was figuring out how to do it on my own when there were no videos on the subject. I have also placed some advice in this description (it isn't just filler).

Shows how to remove a steering wheel and replace an actuator rod on a 1996 Ford Aerostar AWD XLT. This is an intense repair and it is important to have all required tools before starting otherwise you can easily get stuck and require a tow truck and a mechanic to complete the repair process.

Vehicle won't turn off or you want to use the vehicle still while the actuator is broken:
If your vehicle won't turn off (turned on, but now turning the key is doing nothing) and you have a Ford (I can't say all Ford owners will be able to use this advice) then pull the ignition switch out (first thing shown on the video is the ignition switch hanging right below the air bag power connector) and pull that metal pin sticking up towards you. This will turn off your vehicle.

will save you a lot of struggle:
Thinking about it, when removing the gear piece from the key cylinder housing I would recommend marking both the gear and the actuator rod (the broken one) with a black permanent marker to show which tooth you are supposed to line up in the on position. Then when you take the rod out set it next to the new one and mark the new one in the same spot. This should make realigning the teeth easy.
(There is a great comment from Flo below as well on this topic if you didn't mark it and need help figuring out how to realign it).

The PVC pipe information is 3/4 inch in diameter. See 12:24 for this section.

(2022 - the video link doesn't appear to work) A useful tidbit from Michael Boykin's comment below: He gets to the bearing retaining ring here:
ford steering wheel removal Aerostar Actuator Rod Vehicle won't turn off key won't turn vehicle off
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