Tesla Motor Inspection by @AustinEVonly

Austin EV Only is offering a new rear end inspection service for Model S & X vehicles that are either close to being out of drivetrain warranty, or already are out of drivetrain warranty.

This inspection will help you potentially avoid big repair bills, such as large drive unit replacement or rebuild. If caught while still under warranty, it’ll allow you to get your motor replaced by Tesla at no out of pocket cost, saving you up to $10,000 in out-of-warranty repair costs

With this inspection, we remove the rear underbody tray, and inspect the HV battery for any visible damage, inspect for any exterior coolant leaks, check your boots on your CV axles, and most importantly, remove the speed sensor located in the rear drive unit, and check for coolant seepage. The most common failure point on these motors is the rotor seal, which prevents coolant, which is used to cool the rear drive unit from leaking past the rotor into the stator. When this seal fails, it allows coolant to get into the stator, causing the stator to rust. When running the motor, it will grind the rust away and create a sludge within formed from coolant and rust. This sludge and rust will continue to eat away at your stator until complete rear drive unit failure.

This current Tesla I just performed the service on had no indications whatsoever of any issues with the large drive unit. No codes, no noises, no visible leaks, nothing. This was a complete surprise to the owner, who is very fortunate we found the issue before complete failure of the motor.

Please contact me today to get a rear-end inspection!
This inspection by @Austin EV Only will allow you to know if your rear motor is a ticking time bomb, and allow you to make an educated decision on what you want to do with the vehicle next, whether that be having Tesla replace it in/out of warranty, having a 3rd party shop such as ours remove the drive unit and send it out for a rebuild, and install it back, or other options as you see fit.
shorts model S model x warranty repair Out of Warranty Motor Failure
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