Sagging Car Headliner Fix

Here is how to fix the headliner on your car if it is starting to sag and tear. On old cars, especially old cars made by General Motors, when they get to be about 20 years old, the foam in the headliner breaks down, and the cloth part of the headliner starts sagging and falls down On your head. You have several options when repairing your sagging headliner on your car. The best option is to buy a new one to replace the old saggy one. But if you don’t want to take everything apart or spend a lot of money, you can fix the headliner on the ceiling of your car by gently peeling off all of the cloth, masking the surrounding areas of masking tape, and painting the phone with rest oleum paint. I did this on my Chevrolet Silverado truck, and it worked great. I had to use two coats of paint, but I got it to match the color of the interior, And the paint will hold the form together and keep it from falling apart into dust on my head. Watch this video if you want to fix the headliner on your car yourself. If you have a sagging car headliner, this is an easy and cheap way to fix it. If your car roof is sagging, this will fix it.
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