Fin-Nor Offshore 7500 Fishing Reel - How to take apart, service and reassemble

Fin-Nor Offshore 7500 tutorial on breaking down, servicing and reassembling. See below for helpful equipment and supply links. If you found this video useful, please show some love by hitting the thumbs up button and consider....

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Paper towels I Use:

Gloves I use:

Fin-Nor Offshore 7500 Reels For Sale on eBay:

Fin-Nor Spinning Reels For Sale on Amazon:

See my community page for links to parts suppliers:

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The mini screwdriver sets I use spin freely in the palm of my hand, which I prefer for speed.


I, generally, use a ratcheting, interchangeable regular-sized screwdriver for the initial loosening of screws. Here's a link to the brand I use:
Get some additional, varying sizes Flathead and Phillips bits while you're at it.

The adjustable wrenches I use (instead of hex nut wrenches) are Husky, but these (with the red insert) work very well... 6-inch will be used the most:

If you prefer to use hex nut wrenches, I'd recommend angled/offset ones, like these:
or a pass-through socket wrench set, like this:

Reel grease I use:

Drag grease I use (brown for warm weather, purple for cold):

Oils I use:

Ultrasonic Cleaners. 3 liter or above:

Small parts mesh basket for ultrasonic cleaner:

Ultrasonic cleaner additives (use in moderation):

One of the bearing greasers I use... contact Alan directly (non-affiliate link):

Workshop Overhead Light:

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#TSGReelService #FishingReelRepair #finnorreels #finnorfishingreels #ReelRepair #offshorelife #reeffishing #rockfishing #fishingreelmaintenance
how to tutorial tsg reel service reel maintenance fishing reel repair tsg reel tsg reel service reel repair fin-nor offshore 7500 fin-nor 7500os finnor offshore 7500 finnor 7500os finor 7500os finor offshore 7500 Fin-Nor Offshore 7500 Fishing Reel Maintenance how to take apart my finor offshore how to service my fin-nor offshore how to service my finor offshore fin-nor finor
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