Colin Beever: Ignition and Timing [FULL VERSION]

Today we are talking to Colin Beever, our Holden Vintage & Classic in-house Lucas Expert about his book "Ignition and Timing". We talk about when it's essential to have a perfect distributor, the different types of ignition systems and the pros and cons of having each. He discusses the difference between a mechanical (points and condenser based pre 1974) ignition system and an electronic system and discusses the role of the distributor in the ignition system.

Colin's book is an essential guide to Ignition and Timing, for classic car owners and restorers. It is the most user-friendly book on the market, for both keen amateurs and professionals alike.

It covers:
the history and evolution of the automotive ignition system
what you need to know to maintain and fix your ignition system (for optimum timing and performance)
fault testing the coil ignition system
post-war distributors and aftermarket systems
how to fit electronic ignitions and modify the distributor, including twin-point distributors
rebuilding and maintenance
Lucas, Delco and Bosch systems
identification charts for your distributor
And finally, how to achieve optimum timing and how to use a timing light.
It looks of hundreds of ignition parts. Colin helps you to understand which remanufactured parts to look for and which ones to avoid.

Colin has over 36 years of technical knowledge. His enthusiasm began when he started working for a classic car parts business and discovered he could modify distributors for different cars. He became fascinated by ignition systems, collecting, taking them apart, reassembling and he accrued so much knowledge he became approached by Lucas Technical to help them with their vintage enquiries.

You can buy our Holden Vintage & Classic Ignition parts here:
Colin Beever works for Holden Vintage & Classic as our in-house Lucas Expert and can be contacted by email [email protected] or by phone 01885 488488.
Classic cars distributor Ignition and Timing Holden Vintage & Classic Colin Beever Lucas Expert vacuum unit aftermarket electronic ignition kits opus system Lucas electrical mechanical ignition electric ignition advance curve automotive ignition system twin-point distributors identification charts for distributor using a timing light Lucas igntion system delco ignition system bosch ignition system post-war distributor Lucas Industries Lucas History UK
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