Fleet electrification with hydrogen vehicles 1.

The video-class develops the electrification of the fleet with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the considerations to take into account, the obstacles, and the implications for fleet management.
Part 2:

Part 1.
 Hydrogen.
 Hydrogen vehicles on the market.
 Sales of hydrogen vehicles.
 Electrolyzer.
Part 2.
 Efficiency of the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.
 Hydrogen obstacles.
 Regional production potential and investment risks.
 Ways to produce hydrogen.
 The sustainability of green hydrogen.
 Green hydrogen production.
Part 3.
 Hydrogen station.
 Number of hydrogen stations in the world.
 The largest hydrogen station in Europe.
 The case of the closure of all hydrogen stations in Denmark.
 Repair cost.
 Usage problems.
 Fleet of hydrogen buses, EMT of Madrid.
 Hydrogen freight transport fleets.
 Implications in fleet management.

English subtitles available.

Other subtitles available: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.

If you want the presentation of the presentation in PDF format, write an email to:

Contact: José Miguel Fernández Gómez

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vehículos eléctricos vehículo eléctrico gestión de flotas José Miguel Fernández Gómez Advanced Fleet Management Tube Advanced Fleet Management Consulting gestión de flotas vehiculares híbridos eléctricos híbridos enchufables híbridos enchufables eléctricos electrificación cero emisiones vehículo hidrógeno pila de combustible flotillas
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