Cinema 4D Tutorial - Tron Effect (Octane)

Software package required:

Cinema 4D (ANY VERSION) & Octane Render (ANY VERSION)

After playing with the dirt map I gained the idea of applying some emission to create a tron effect and voila it worked! Playing with this can most certainly induce some great results. Go crazy!!! Enjoy :)

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cinema 4d, c4d tutorial, cinema4d tutorial, octane, cinema 4d tutorial, tron, c4d tron tutorial, c4d tron tracer tutorial, octane tutorial, sketchy
3d vfx Cinema 4D tron Adobe after effects octane c4d tutorial sketchy cinema 4d tutorial octane render cinema4d tutorial c4d tron tutorial c4d tron tracer tutorial c4d octane tutorial octane tutorial cinema 4d octane tutorial cinema 4d tutorial octane cinema 4d render c4d render octane render tutorial tron effect tron effect c4d tron tutorial tron lightcycle tron tracer cinema 4d tron cgi tutorial c4d car cinema 4d car animation c4d car animation
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