Bodywork Hammer and Dolly How-to: Dent Removal

In this bodywork how-to we will be using Hammer and Dolly to perform dent removal. Metal working is a crucial part of the restoration body work process. Travis will be discussing what goes into getting a panel straight (sheet metal repair & dent repair) prior to applying filler. A big thanks to Ken Sakamoto for teaching his knowledge and taking the time to help us in our journey. Thanks for watching and we hope you learned something about how to use a hammer and dolly.

Ken Sakamoto: (Tell Him Travis sent you)
Phone: 626-529-Five 9 zero 6

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restoration restore metal forming metal shaping dent removal how-to dent repair Bodywork Hammer and dolly metal working fabrication sheet metal fabrication sheet metal repair how to use hammer and dolly hammer and dolly techniques metal finishing dykem Cold Shrink hot shrink Hammer on dolly hammer off dolly Planishing Hammer shrink disc hammer and dollies sheet metal fab sylvesters customs sylvester customs oil canning
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