1986 Range Rover; Will it start? - Edd China's Workshop Diaries

'Will it start?' is THE question we have all been wondering about since John's garden find 1986 Range Rover was pushed into the workshop! Having already installed some custom made fuel lines and a new fuel filter, this week's job is to install a new fuel pump and sender into our freshly de-rusted fuel tank and then get that tank re-attached to the car. Surely once the fuel is flowing the engine will start?... Or will we find something else that needs to be fixed first?...

Edd China's Workshop Diaries 16: Will it start? (Rusty fuel tank fix (Part 3) on our 1986 'Garden Find' Range Rover)

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Thanks as always to my production pixies for mud-plugging away with the cameras and lights and cranking out each episode.

Thanks as always to my production pixies for their camera wielding and frame fettling, bringing you another episode. .

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So, scrape the rust off your old comfy chair and carefully thread a long straw into a tank of refreshment and enjoy the episode!

The Garden-Find Range Rover story so far:

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How to fix a rusty fuel tank Range Rover 1986 Range Rover Rust Treatment Rust Converter Rust Remover Ansell Gloves Milwaukee Tools discovery ed china edd china edd china wheeler dealers edd china’s garage revival edd china’s workshop diaries garage revival outspan orange practical classics velocity wheeler dealers wheeler dealers edd china wheeler dealers s13 workshop workshop diaries fuel tank rust ed china workshop diaries will it start top tips
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