Стеклоочистители Керхер-какой стеклоочиститель выбрать?/Window Vac Karcher range-which to choose

Стеклоочистители Керхер-какой стеклоочиститель выбрать?/Window Vac Karcher range-which to choose


Join the millions of households already enjoying streak-free windows and discover your Window Vac
Perfect for preventing the build-up of limescale in and around your shower.
Once finished in the shower simply grab your Kärcher Window Vac and vacuum the remaining moisture from your shower screen and tiles.
Cleaning mirrors has always been a chore, especially in the bathroom, cleaning toothpaste stains, watermarks and fingerprint smudges.
The Kärcher Window Vac effortlessly removes dirt and grime, leaving a sparkling, streak-free result.
Spilt a drink? Don't panic! Simply use your Kärcher Window Vac to effortlessly glide over the spillage, vacuuming up all moisture in its path.
The Kärcher Window Vac leaves your flat surfaces dry in seconds, without the need for endless paper towels.
Cleaning those smudges and smears off the bathroom tiles can become a tedious chore in every household. Simply use the Kärcher window vac to leave your tiles sparkling in seconds with minimal effort.

Чистые окна без особого труда: мойка окон без загрязнения стен и полов. Последнее поколение аккумуляторных (электрических) стеклоочистителей для дома Керхер позволяет просто и быстро помыть окна, не оставляя разводов. Невероятно удобный стеклоочиститель для мытья окон всасывает воду с поверхности – без разводов и капель грязной воды.

Track: Constantinople — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus

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