Nut DriverS Just a Screwdriver with a Socket Driven Nuts

Nut DriverS Just a Screwdriver with a Socket Driven Nuts

A nut driver is a tool for tightening nuts and bolts. It essentially consists of a socket attached to a shaft and cylindrical handle and is similar in appearance and use to a screwdriver. They generally have a hollow shaft to accommodate a shank onto which a nut is threaded. Nut drivers are ideal tools for use in low torque applications.

Common industries that use in the drivers are heating ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC, plumbing, electronics, electrical or electricians, large and small appliance repair, installers (Cable, TV, Internet, and other utilities)

The hollow shafts nut drivers can be extremely useful as solve several problems if you face fasteners that have long threads. I can’t really think why I would but the solid shaft set. Over the years the most common places I have used a nut driver might include: car interior dash fasteners, underdash and firewall fastneners, engine bay components , small and large appliances, electronics, small engines like lawnmowers, weed eaters, and and even motorcycles as well as bicycles. Anywhere the nut is torqued only to hand tight they are quick and useful in my life.

Unless used daily and a lot, I feel the Matco and SnapOn nut driver sets are so high priced it’s hard to justify. It’s more time and cost efficient to buy a ratcheting screwdriver, a 1/4" hex to 1/4" sq. drive adaptor and use a sockets and be done. Plus you get the beneift of potentially having a magnetic tip to hold the nut that most nut drivers do not have. I honestly really like different length nut setters as they can be used with power tools or in a hand tool and take up less space.

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Klein Tools harbor freight nut driver nut drivers ICON nut driver Harbor freight nut driver nut setter snapon nut driver matco nut driver nutdriver husky nut driver klein tools nut driver klein tools 7 in 1 Klein tools 11 in 1 wera nut driver wiha nut driver Klein nut driver craftsman nut driver craftsman tools metric nut drivers sae nut drivers Socket Driven Nuts not a screwdriver screwdriver with a socket
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