VW Transporter T4 Top & Bottom Gear Selector Bush Replacement (VOLKSWAGEN)

This video shows how to replace the top and bottom gear selector bushes on a Volkswagen Transporter T4.

As already stated in the video, it is not necessary to remove all the components i did to replace the bushes, it just made it easier to show what needed to be done and it was a much clearer view of what's happening. The battery died when i put the gear selector bush in, so have no footage of this but its the same as the other bushes i show.
Yes there is one bush that was not replaced that very much needed to be. It did not arrive with the other bushes and the van needed to be used so the repair could not be postponed.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below. I will help if i can.

Thanks for watching the video and if it helps in anyway and you would care to support me by leaving a one off tip then please follow the link below.

Music by Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)

Song - Energy
Song - Erf
Song - Hey!

Filmed using a Go-Pro Hero 4 Black & Iphone 7
Edited Using Hitfilm Pro
vw manual DIY repair camper t4 transporter vw t4 gear Multivan sleeve bushing shift caravelle camper van ball Rod gear linkage gear bushing gear bushings linkage bushings t4 gear t4 linkage t4 bushings gear stick t4 gears t4 gear linkage bushes t4 bushes t4 gear selector t4 gear linkage bushing t4 gear bushing t4 gear bushings t4 linkage bushing t4 linkage bushings t4 linkage bushes loose gear stick t4 loose gear stick t4 maintenance linkage
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