Pulling a Dead Tree With a Tire

Our tree died. We have bought a new one and the nursery is going to deliver and plant the new tree, but I am responsible for removing the old one. My main goal in this was not to screw up the lawn. I came up with a contraption that would remove the tree being pulled by the jeep that would not require me to drive on the lawn... and then I saw a video of this on the internet... and it looked much simpler. So, we pulled out the dead tree using that spare tire off of my wife's car. Spare tire stump pulling is a trick you can find all over the internet, and with some amazing results! You can use the tire tree removal method for small trees like mine, and all the way up to removing large stumps!

The lawn tools encourages safety and accepts no responsibility if you try this and something goes wrong. Only attempt at your own risk.
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