AMAZING R/C TRUCK ACTION - will it drop down... AT CONSTRUCTION WORLD - Nov 2017 p4
RC truck action with excavators, dozer, wheel loader, track loader, tractor and more construction machines.
?!?!? Will the truck dropping ?!?!? for a visit at an indoor parcours in an old plant house, calls Construction World Herschweiler, an amazing place to meet R/C addicts with their detailed, full functional, powerful R/C trucks and construction machines. The guys had a lot of fun, like we while filming and playing.
For more information about the parcours look here
Hope you'll enjoy these videos, if so please feel free to comment and subscribe. And now sit back and relax.
Because of many questions where I got my stuff, here a link to the dealer I buy my RC stuff.... zu Gast beim Indoor Parcours in Herschweiler. Hier können sich RC Trucks, Dumper, Bagger, Raupen, Radlader, Laderaupen und andere Baumaschinen nach Herzenslust austoben.
Infos zum Parcours findet Ihr unter
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Wegen mehrfacher Fragen, wo man solche RC Modelle bekommt, hier ein Link zum RC Shop in dem ich meine RC Einkäufe mache...