{625} Why NTC or PTC Thermistor Damage in Inverter Welding Machine / Inverter AC Outdoor Unit

Why NTC or PTC Thermistor Damage in Inverter Welding Machine or Inverter AC Outdoor Unit, i discussed all the possibilities for blast / damage / failure of ntc / ptc thermistor.
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main indications symptoms for this problem are:-
1, input ac circuit breaker trips off
2. ntc or ptc thermistor damages /blasts / opens / when turning on
3. welding machine or inverter ac circuit not workign
3. it fails to turn on the machine
its possible reasons are:-
1. IGBT / MOSFET damaged / short circuit
2. Low voltage power supply MOSFET damaged
3. dc capacitor / smoothing capacitor internal short circuit
4. bypass relay failure (if the contact arm is damaged internally due to sparking or arcing and it cannot close the circuit)
Basics of NTC and PTC Thermistors
Thermistors - NTC & PTC - Thermal Resistors
Understanding How NTC & PTC Inrush Current Limiters Work

its basic use is in inrush current protection circuit / surge current protection circuit. it limits the initial charging current for the bulk capacitors, smoothing dc capacitors. when the dc rails charges up to a safe voltage range i.e. the dc capacitors attain its safe dc voltage at that time a bypass relays, bypasses this ntc or ptc thermistor by closing its contacts.
ntc or ptc are from the thermistor family
what is thermistor is material, its resistance changes with change in temperature
what is PTC is positive temperature coefficient thermistor, its resistance increases with increase in temperature
what is NTC is negative temperature coefficient thermistor, its resistance decreases with increase in temperature.
these both components are used in inrush current protection / current surge protection circuit.
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