испытание опилкобетонного блока concrete block sawdust test

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Monolithic sawdust concrete is easy to make. To do this, you will need cement, sawdust, sand and slaked lime and water. Mixing of ingredients is carried out carefully. The quality of the finished material depends on this.

How to make your own from sawdust and cement, proportions
Lime is used as a plasticizer. This ingredient is optional. The sawdust is pre-treated before mixing. They are kept in the sun for several months or soaked in lime mortar for a couple of days, periodically mixed. To prepare a cubic meter of material, it is necessary to dissolve 2.5 kg of lime in 200 liters of water.

When mixing the ingredients, the required density of the finished material is taken into account. The proportion is different. To prepare a high-density solution cube, you will need 200 kg of cement, 500 kg of sand, 200 kg of sawdust and 50 kg of lime. The amount of filler remains unchanged. The ratio of other ingredients changes.

In what order to mix the ingredients
The ingredients are mixed in several ways:

cement is combined with sand, filler and water are added;
sawdust is poured with water and cement is added, everything is stirred with the further introduction of sand.
Lime is added last. The second option is less time-consuming, for which it gained popularity among the masters.

Mixing is carried out in special forced concrete mixers. The concrete mixer does not allow you to mix the components qualitatively.

The technology of building walls of houses using sawdust concrete
Sawdust concrete walls

Building a house using sawdust concrete is done in two ways. The first option involves the manufacture of blocks of a certain size. They build a house out of them.

The second option is monolithic construction. First, a formwork for sawdust concrete is installed, and then the prepared solution is poured.

Technology has strengths and weaknesses.

Construction of a monolithic house from sawdust concrete
The technology provides for the installation of formwork, which is filled with prepared sawdust concrete. When the mixture sets, the shields are rearranged and the next level is poured. Monolithic structures will gain strength at a time.

After the arrangement of the foundation, the formwork is installed. Shields are firmly connected to each other. Existing gaps are sealed with foam or other materials. After the prepared solution is poured. To exclude the formation of voids, the mixture is carefully rammed. After the solution hardens, the shields are rearranged and the monolith is continued to be poured to the required level.

Building walls using blocks
The essence of the technology is to build a house from pre-prepared blocks. The weaknesses include the duration of the preparation of building material.

After pouring, the blocks stand until they acquire strength. This takes several months.

When the blocks are ready, they begin laying on the prepared base. The connection is carried out using a special glue or sand-cement mortar. The layer thickness should not exceed 8 mm. Large seams increase the heat loss of the structure, which makes it difficult to maintain the optimum temperature in the house.

Building a house from sawdust concrete, step by step instructions
Building a house from sawdust concrete

Before the start of construction, they are determined with the technology. The construction is carried out in blocks or by pouring monolithic structures. At the initial stage, work is carried out according to a similar scheme:

Foundation construction. Any construction begins with laying the foundation. Sawdust concrete has a low weight, which allows the use of a light, shallow foundation. When choosing a base, the type of soil, the depth of groundwater and other factors are taken into account.
Walling. The walls are raised in blocks or by pouring a monolith.

The use of sawdust concrete as a heater
Sawdust concrete is used to insulate walls, ceilings and floors. To increase the thermal insulation properties of the material, the proportions of the ingredients are radically changed. To do this, reduce the amount of sand and cement. Chopped straw is used as a filler. The rest of the solution is made in a similar way.

Преимущества опилкобетона перед арболитом. Стройка из монолитного опилкобетона в состав опилкобетона входит песок .дом из арболита тёплый . Арболитовый блок весит до 10 кг ..пропорции опилкобетона- один цемент -два песка -шесть опилок !прочность опилкобетона .Сравнение опилкобетона с арболитом.
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