Full guide to HEADLIGHT RESTORATION | Easy DIY at home

Let's talk about headlight restoration. Can all headlights be restored? No, but most can... Is headlight restoration permanent? No, but with proper sealing or coating they can last a good amount of time! I walk you through the process of restoring your headlights and how to protect them. I also explain the difference between a set of headlights that can be restored vs headlights that should be replaced. ENJOY!!!

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Assorted Sand Paper Pack (1000, 1500, 2000, 2500) -

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Headlight Restoration Kit - (use code IMJOSH15 for 15% off)

Products We Use:


1.1 mm orifice for foam cannon - Connects for Pressure Washer -




303 Aerospace Protectant (Interior UV Protectant) -


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#HeadlightRestorationKit #CarDetailing #HeadlightCoating

Time Codes:
0:00 - How to Restore Car Headlights
1:08 - Can your Headlights be fixed
2:05 - Restore or Replace your Headlights
4:10 -Step by Step process for restore headlights
12:32 - Polishing Headlights
16:35 - How to re seal your headlights

Due to factors beyond my control, I cannot guarantee against improper use of the information I share in my videos. (IMJOSHV) assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not (IMJOSHV) or any business affiliated to (IMJOSHV).
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