Samadhi Movie, 2018 - Part 2 (It's Not What You Think)

Join our next online meditation/self inquiry intensive, the 7 day "IAM" retreat. Engage in deep Sadhana (practice) that creates the conditions for awakening.

All of our films, teachings and guided meditations are available for free at in many languages.

The Awaken the World Initiative was created for the purpose of humbly serving the awakening of humanity by bringing the perennial wisdom back into the world for free in every language.

Do you find our films valuable? Please consider becoming a patron and support us at Patreon is a new system that we are trying out, or you can still make a one-time donation at

We have created a series of guided meditations and teachings if you are interested in realizing Samadhi.

The soundtrack is available on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, Play Store and most streaming services. The iTunes link is here:

This Youtube video has "community translations" turned on. To add or contribute to a translation, in the Youtube player, click on the "gear" icon, then "subtitles", then click "more" and then click "add translation". Or click here:

While we greatly encourage you to freely share the links to the films, please do not edit or alter them, re-upload or claim it as your own and/or monetize it on your own Youtube channel. Thank you.

Many people have sent us messages asking where they can practice meditation. Here are some resources:
1) Our own center, the Samadhi Center in Canada provides ongoing meditation retreats:

Thanks to Oriya Katz for the Hebrew translation.
If you have any questions you can contact us at [email protected].
meditation Yoga awakening consciousness enlightenment hinduism samadhi self inquiry Chakras Kundalini nirvana Maya Singularity black hole the matrix fana chi inner energy perrenial philosophy aldous huxley swami vivikenanda sri nisargadatta maharaj ramana maharshi non-duality moksha kensho satori unio mystica samprajnata asamprajnata nivikalpa yoga chitta vritti nirodha spirit science samasara yinyang lao tse taoism kabbalah Chokhmah binah sufism event horizon
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