1996 - 1999 GM Saturn S-Series Used Salvage Yard PCM SPS Programming with Tech2 TIS2000 Differences
In this GM Delco Electronics Saturn Powertrain Control Module (PCM) (aka ECU) GM TIS2000 calibration update video, we'll make use of a benchtop programming harness that simulates the GM Off Board Programming Adapter (OBPA). This approach allows us to apply calibration updates using GMs Service Programming System (SPS) outside the vehicle. We'll go over how to replace your Saturn PCM (96, 97, 98, and 99 only) with an used one from a salvage yard vehicle, including reprogramming the correct VIN and latest calibration level (or of course to a new or remanufactured PCM from GM / ACDelco instead).
You do NOT need this bench top programming adapter harness I'm using to do the repair, you could perform the procedure I go over with the PCM installed in your Saturn instead. However, you WILL need access to a GM Tech2 scan tool (or a clone) as well as the associated GM TIS2000 software for Windows, and a Kent-Moore J41207-PROG2 red DLC adapter, for the SPS functionality.
Be sure the salvage yard PCM matches your original part number EXACTLY!
It is always preferable to use a brand new, new old stock (NOS), or factory remanufactured GM / ACDelco PCM for service and repair purposes. The assembly line part number for the Saturn S-Series for these years was GM 21008932 for automatics and GM 21008930 for manuals but those numbers are superseded to 19143992 and 19143991. You can search for Saturn PCMs at:
If you want to save money, of course you can just use a used or salvage yard PCM, which was the point of the video. Just be sure you pull the PCM the part number that matches your existing PCM exactly. I recommend LKQ salvage yards as they let you pull your own parts, with a no hassle return policy if you pull a dud controller.
*Buy the GM Service Manual*
If you are looking for a GM Saturn S-Series service manual:
*Buy a Tech2*
*Buy a Tech2 USB to DB9 Serial Port adapter*
And if you need a USB adapter, the GM recommended Tripp Lite Keyspan USA-19HS can be found at: or
_NOTE: be sure your USB to serial adapter device driver is configured for 115200 speed on Windows using Device Manager and that you set the COM port it is assigned to within TIS2000 for communication to be successful._
*Buy the red DLC adapter*
If you are looking for the J-41207-PROG2 red adapter I described, it can only be found on:
*WARNING:* When performing SPS operations in the actual vehicle, pay very close attention to service manual instructions around power cabling and battery readiness as a power fluctuation during an SPS programming procedure can permanently damage any controller module. GM recommends use of their EL-49642 SPS Programming Support Tool (Midtronics PSC-550S) attached to the battery to avoid this. You can also jumper cable another battery to mitigate this risk. But do NOT attempt to use a battery charger for this purpose though. See this other video I made for more details:
*NOTE:* TIS2000 was deprecated by GM in early 2008. Today we would use the subscription based TIS2Web as part of the ACDelco TDS server () based offering to accomplish many of the same tasks, although the Off-Board Programming Adapter (OBPA) path shown in this video is no longer supported by TIS2Web unfortunately.
_And if I've saved you some $$ here, consider some coins for the coffee tip-jar!_
0:00 - Saturn PCM overview
0:43 - PCM access and removal
3:22 - Salvage Yard PCM Testing
7:00 - Accessing the PCM via TIS2000
9:56 - Saturn SPS special DLC adapter
12:02 - Flashing the PCM calibration
14:30 - Verifying the calibration
15:58 - Bench-top harness details
23:00 - J41207-PROG2 adapter views
#drshock #saturn
_Disclaimer: DrShock, the alias for the human content creator for this YouTube channel, is not responsible for any damages, injuries, losses, or liabilities associated with any repairs, upgrades, or maintenance performed on yours, or any other, vehicle whatsoever. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided within this channel. Viewing and using the “as-is" information of this channel is totally at your own risk. Always wear personal protection equipment and follow appropriate vehicle manufacturer service manual guidelines with original manufacturer parts only when performing any repairs, upgrades, or maintenance upon any vehicle._
*The eBay, Aliexpress and Amazon search links below are paid links, for which I may be compensated and earn a commission, if you choose to buy the parts and tools shown in this video thru them:*