Core Doors from Bestop for Jeep Wrangler

OMG! Check out my new core doors from Bestop. These doors are legit! I love these doors, from the look they bring my Jeep to their versatility. They are heavy duty and have panels in the middle that pop out. You can attach mirrors to them and they also have uppers that are made out of the same twill material as the Bestop soft tops. These core doors have weather stripping so when you have the panels in place and the uppers installed, your Jeep is completely weather proof. You can have your Jeep stripped down in minutes and not have to worry about where to put your doors. Your Jeep needs these!! Go check them out!!

#jeep #jeepgirl #coredoors #bestop #offroading #jeepwrangler
I have added mirrors come check them out on Instagram @brandys_jeep_garage
jeep jeep wrangler installation Door removal Jeep mods Jeep upgrades Bestop Core doors Jeep doors Half doors Jeep girl Jeep jku Hydro blue Jeep
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