FIX Kia and Hyundai Flip Key HOW TO repair

This video is made to help you. We'll show you how to repair your own key, but be warned. The transponder chip is normally glued well into the key. On this video is comes out unusually easily, so don't be fooled.

We fix these every day and we believe you can fix your own if you have the correct tools and a good case.

Here is an Amazon link that will show you the case and pin punch that we use at our shop for all our local customers

Or, to buy direct from us,visit our Car Key repair shop

***WARNING*** If you break the chip, the car will not start, so only attempt this if you have a spare, or you are really brave. We use a soldering iron to melt the plastic, so please be careful if you do this. A hot soldering iron touching the bone after slipping with it, really hurts....
If you would like us to fix your key by post, follow the link to find out more..

If you have an American Rio, you may not have a chip in the key.

Good luck!

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